Penguin tattoos are a great way to show your love of these flightless birds while also showing off a bit of your personality. Whether you want to get a simple, minimalist design or a complex tattoo that shows off your creativity, there are plenty of options out there for you.
The best part about penguin tattoos is that they’re totally customizable! You can choose from a variety of colors and patterns to find the one that works best for you. You can also choose which type of penguin you want in your tattoo: Emperor penguins, King penguins, or Gentoo penguins. No matter what you decide on, you’ll love how much fun it is to wear your own personal penguin tattoo.
If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out these awesome penguin tattoos:
1. Little Penguin Tattoo
A penguin wearing a batik T-shirt sound weird but you know, there is no limit for imagination. Go for this fun and creative tattoo.
2. Cool Penguin Tattoo
The penguin above looks like a rock star, doesn’t he? If you are fond of rock music and style, you can turn your penguin into a rock star.
3. Penguin Head Tattoo
If you want to get a tattoo that will make you laugh and have fun, the penguin tattoo above is a must to go for.
4. Black and White Penguin Tattoo
Are you addicted to coffee? Then, why not a penguin is addicted to it? Let’s have fun with your penguin tattoo like the one above.
5. Cute Penguins Tattoo
If there is something cuter than a little penguin, it is three little penguins. Every time you look at your tattoo design, it will make your heart warm.
6. Warrior Penguin Tattoo
Penguins can fight, too! Show that they are the true warriors by using some colorful inks to make your tattoo lively.
7. Smoker Penguin Tattoo
Smoking is a bad habit but a penguin with a cigar on his hand looks cool. Plus, his hat rocks!
8. Cartoon Penguin Tattoo
Do you remember the cartoon called ‘Pingu’? It was broadcasted in 90s and it was so popular back then. Noot noot!
9. Japanese Penguin Tattoo
How does ‘a penguin bowl’ sound? In this colorful and unusual tattoo, a Japanese penguin is waiting for you to melt your heart.
10. Happy Feet Penguin Tattoo
Being a popular computer-animated comedy film, Happy Feet is all about penguins! If you like the movie, you can get a tattoo of one of the penguins in it.
11. Cute Penguin Tattoo
If penguins live in the cold, maybe we can use them as ice cubes to make our drinks cooler. Because why not?
12. Happy Penguin Tattoo
In this tattoo design, the penguin holds some colorful balloons and it seems like it is enjoying them a lot. Maybe all you need is a cute tattoo like this.
13. Feathers McGraw Penguin Tattoo
Here is a popular character: Feathers McGraw. It looks like a menacing penguin but it won’t hurt you, for sure.
14. Sailor Penguin Tattoo
A little and cute sailor penguin is all you need to smile. If the size of this tattoo is too big for you, you can get a smaller one of it.
15. Couple Penguin Tattoo
Did you know that the female and male penguins continue to mate with each other for most of their lives? We, as humans, have a lot to learn from them.
16. Mini Penguin Tattoo
Here is a creative and unique design for you. Unlike most of the penguin tattoos, this tattoo is sure to give you a different look that others will notice.
17. Leg Penguin Tattoo
Those who want to get a simple penguin tattoo may try this one out. Plus, you don’t have to make it big that much but try a smaller one.
18. Wrist Penguin Tattoo
A cute little penguin listening to music will cheer you up for the rest of your life. Plus, you can get it together with your bestie.
19. Fun Penguin Tattoo
What if we bring white wine with a little penguin in one tattoo? Standing behind the glas, the reflection of the penguin is so funny.
20. Overlayed Penguin Tattoo in Antarctica
Overlayed in Antarctica, the penguin is in his happy place since we understand because of his smiley face. You should give this tattoo a try.
21. Northern Lights with a Penguin Tattoo
If one of your dreams is to see the Northern lights with your girlfriend or boyfriend, here is an inspirational penguin tattoo for you. Everytime you look at your tattoo, you will do your best to make your dream come true.
22. Dotwork Penguin Tattoo
Here is a splendid dotwork penguin tattoo to get. It look so simple but the beauty is in simplicity, isn’t it?
23. Penguin Tattoo on Ankle
Sometimes it is really interesting to see how realistic some tattoos are. This realistic and shady penguin tattoo on your ankle is ready to make you shine.
24. Colorful Penguin Tattoo
The Hawaiian vibe is all about flowers, colors and music. To reflect your love of Hawaii in your penguin tattoo, there is no better choice than the one above.
25. Orca and Penguin Tattoo
How amazing the color palette is in this tattoo! The combo of Orca and a penguin will take your tattoo to a different level.
26. Rockhopper Penguin Tattoo
Being traditionally treated as a single species, rockhopper penguins are super-cool creatures. If you like this specific type of penguin, you should definitely try it out.
27. Abstract Penguin Tattoo
You don’t have to get a realistic penguin to look gorgeous. Abstract tattoos are quite nice, so why not applying it with on a penguin?
28. Cool Big Penguin Tattoo
It is so hard to resist this cool penguin head design, isn’t it? Its color palette will take your tattoo to a whole different level and everyone will come closer to check it out.
29. Baby Penguin Tattoo
There are just a few things that are absolutely cute in this world. One of them is definitely baby penguin. Go for it if you are looking for a cute tattoo.
30. Penguin Magician Tattoo
In order to have fun with your penguin tattoo, there are a lot of designs. How about a magician penguin? It sounds weird but just look at how cool it is.
31. Bright-Colored Penguin Tattoo
The penguin breaks the ice with its warming heart in this tattoo. Bright and colorful inks allow this tattoo to shine out in the crowd.
32. Tiny Penguin Tattoo
Do you like Korean vibes in anything? If you do, you can show your love in your penguin tattoo. Give this tattoo above a shot.
33. Penguin with a Balloon Tattoo
A lonely penguin holding a heart shaped flying balloon looks like a great tattoo. If you feel like this penguin, don’t wait too long to get it.
Penguin tattoos symbolize good luck and they are so cute, too. There are different types of penguin tattoo ideas as you saw above. Which one is your favorite? We’re looking for your answers!