Medusa is one of the most iconic creatures in Greek mythology. As you already know the story, she was originally a beautiful woman, but when she was punished by Athena for her hubris, she was turned into a snake-haired monster with snakes for hair. Her gaze could turn anyone who looked at her to stone.
Medusa is a symbol of the feminine in mythology. She represents the power of women to bring death, but also to give life. Her gaze can turn men into stone, and her blood can bring life.
The most common interpretation of Medusa symbolism focuses on female rage, especially the way it is often suppressed by men in power. Just like today, the old story of Medusa also shows how easily women can be silenced when they speak out against injustice or abuse. However, it can also represent positive things such as beauty or power.
Medusa tattoos are an amazing way to express yourself through art. There are so many different designs out there that you can’t go wrong with choosing one. Whether you want one small or large, simple or complex, look no further than our collection of high-quality Medusa tattoo drawings below:
1. Medusa Tattoo on Calves
Calves are one of the sexiest parts of the body to get a tattoo! A blackwork Medusa tattoo can make your calves stand out more. With her long nails and bold look, Medusa will give you a different energy.
2. Medusa Tattoo on Back
Wanna cover up your back with a Medusa tattoo? Then, you should get the one above since it offers a look that is hard to ignore. It seems like Medusa shows her beautiful side while showing her evil side at the same time.
3. Vivid Medusa Design
Can you spot the aesthetic details here? This is an example of a Neo-traditional tattoo which is known for its dense aesthetics. The colors look matching with each other in a great way.
4. Dotwork Medusa Tattoo
Dotwork tattoo design is created with a series of dots that are inked together to create a piece of art. This time, Medusa tattoo is created with dots and lines. As a nice detail, drawing a frame for her looks like a great idea.
5. Savage Medusa Design
Being one of the traditional tattoos of Medusa, the one above is totally a different version of savage Medusa. The color palette and the saturation are quite amazing. Give a shot to this abstract-looking Medusa.
6. Blackwork Medusa Tattoo
Covering up half of your arm may sound like something that takes a lot of courage but with this tattoo, it is quite easy. The reason is that it is a flawless work. This blackwork Medusa will take your tattoo to a different level.
7. Colorful Medusa on Thigh
Colorful tattoos offer a look that is absolutely beautiful. Since the colors are strong symbols of different emotions and feelings, you can combine colors in a beautiful Medusa tattoo. In the statue, roses, which are the symbols of romance and courage, are placed under Medusa.
8. Classy Medusa Design
If you want to get a Medusa tattoo that shows her something evil and scary, then this tattoo is definitely for you. In this blackwork tattoo, Medusa’s and the snakes’ eyes are yellow, which shows a contrast with black. Go and get this tattoo as soon as possible.
9. Realistic Medusa Tattoo
It is almost impossible to think that this is an actual tattoo because it looks so real and it feels like Medusa lives on your body. It looks like she’s going through something since her mouth is open and she holds her face in a strange way.
10. Medusa Statue Design on Arm
Depicted as a fierce and repulsive woman, Medusa has a strong look on statues. Covering up your arm with a Medusa statue sounds like a great idea, doesn’t it? The dark shades give it a realistic look, too.
11. Mesmerizing Medusa Tattoo
To create a detailed tattoo like this, tattoo artists spend a lot of time and as we can see above, it totally worths it! Grey-faced Medusa has purple eyes, which are the symbols of strength. This realistic tattoo will show everyone that you have a good taste.
12. Traditional Medusa Tattoo
In this traditional Medusa tattoo, she is depicted as evil because of her vampire teeth. One of the meanings of Medusa tattoo is evolving from being considered as something evil to being considered as a survivor. So, let’s show this transformation.
13. Two-Faced Medusa Tattoo
Two-faced tattoos show different sides and characteristics of people. Let’s show two faces of Medusa with a black realistic tattoo on which a purple line is used to show gorgeous version of her.
14. Big-Sized Medusa Tattoo on Back
Here is a big-size tattoo to adore. Sometimes minimalist tattoos are not enough to show your tattoo to everyone. So, why don’t you try to cover up all of your back with Medusa? All of its shading and perfect details will remind you the power of women.
15. Classic Medusa Design on Leg
It’s absolutely stunning! The side portrait of Medusa is drawn in a way that it looks perfect. You will feel the power of medusa on your upper arm, so what are you waiting for to get it?
16. Framed Medusa Tattoo
Tarot cards symbolize different meanings according to who is shown in the frame. In this creative tattoo, Medusa is placed in it. It’s a wonderful one since Medusa is a archetypal femme fatale. Death, erotic desire and violence are one of its meanings.
17. Vengeful-Looking Medusa Tattoo
Medusa is looking for revenge this time. As you see above, Medusa’s face is cracked but she is still alive. This may mean that nothing can stop her from being strong and brave. With this powerful meaning, let’s get this arm tattoo to cover your arm.
18. Medusa with Colorful Snakes Design
Are you for cover up tattoos? Here is an another Medusa design that stretches to your elbow from your shoulder. The bright-colored snakes are ready to catch your attention easily with different shades of green.
19. Medusa Tattoo on Arm
Here is a spectacular medusa face to adore. When all of the details used in this work are combined together, a beautiful face is created. Medusa’s lips, eyebrows and eyelashes will leave you speechless.
20. Blue-Eyed Medusa Tattoo
Traditional tattoos are one of the classics, for sure. To get this feeling with your medusa tattoo, all you need is to add roses below it and add a traditional frame to cover the head. Plus, blue eyes make a statement in a great way.
21. Medusa Tattoo on Hand
Hand tattoos take a lot of courage because it’s almost impossible not to see it every time. If you have made your decision to get a tattoo on your hand, one of the best tattoo designs is definitely a medusa face.
22. Linework Medusa Tattoo
Line work tattoos may seem simple but actually they offer a gorgeous look for those who want a minimalist tattoo. In this design, black ink is used to create the shape of medusa and for her tears, red ink is used to make them stand out more.
23. Spooky Medusa DesignÂ
Wanna have a creepy and scary tattoo? Everyone will be amazed with it. In this design, Medusa is depicted as a dark lady with an evil thought. Let’s go and get this dark tattoo.
24. Medusa Tattoo on Wrist
Wrist tattoos may sound more dangerous than other parts of the body since wrists are so delicate but it’s not the case anymore. Covering a part of your wrist with a Medusa is a great idea to consider.
25. Bright Medusa Tattoo
This tattoo makes you feel like if you touch it, you will feel Medusa for real. We are speechless since the artwork is extraordinary. The details under Medusa’s eyes and on her lips offer an amazing look.
26. Elegant Medusa Design on Forearm
Uniqueness always wins! Your forearm will stand out with a big size Medusa tattoo which is full of small and great details such as words, snakes and geometrical shapes.
27. Medusa & Perseus DesignÂ
Poor Medusa is a victim of Perseus in this digital sculpture based tattoo. Although the meaning behind it can be sad since Medusa is a protector, it is not possible to ignore the skill of the tattooist.
28. Colorful Traditional Medusa Tattoo
Besides the color palette used in the tattoo, the saturation of the work is a whole different level. Also, traditional tattoo lovers will adore this Medusa because it seems like a queen of Ancient Egypt.
29. Gorgeous Medusa Tattoo
Those who like cover-up tattoos will adore this Medusa tattoo on back. Darker shades of colors take a lot of courage to get on your body, so let’s show how bold you are with this.
30. Rock Goddess Medusa Design
Creative tattoos are always a favorite, right? Rock goddess sounds quite sexy and in this tattoo, Medusa is a rock story and she is playing a bass guitar. With her black leather jacket, Medusa will give you a rock star feeling.
31. Green-Eyed Medusa Tattoo
Do you know spiritual meaning of green eyes? Here it is: The green in the eyes symbolize enlightenment and connection to spirit. The snakes’ and Medusa’s eyes seems like they connect to each other spiritually. What are you waiting for to get this fabulous tattoo?
32. Punk Medusa Design
Have you ever seen such a punk Medusa like that? She is wearing a gothic necklace and her body is covered with nets, which is super cool. Plus, green hair and purple lips make a strong statement.
33. Statue Medusa Tattoo
The tattoo above gives a statue feeling, doesn’t it? To show your inner strength with a unique Medusa tattoo, this is for you. The hexagons covering the half of Medusa’s face, circles and lines look quite mesmerizing. Don’t forget that you need to find a talented tattooist to get it.
So, there you have it. Medusa tattoos are a lot of fun and can be done in a variety of styles. If you’re interested in trying out this look, make sure which type of tattoo would work best for your skin tone and hair color. Remember that the more detailed your design is, the longer it will take to finish, so make sure you have enough time and money before getting started!